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Frequently Asked Questions

We are a car rental aggregator platform that connects you with trusted luxury car rental providers to offer quality service at competitive prices.

Simply select the city and the car. Compare options from multiple rental providers, choose your car, and book online. We are currently operating with limited providers from each city

Our service primarily aims at premium cars like BMW, MERCEDES, AUDI etc.

Enter your location and rental dates on our platform, browse the available options, and follow the simple steps to confirm your booking.

Yes, you can modify or cancel your booking based on the terms of the rental provider. Please refer to the cancellation policy of the specific provider.

We accept major credit/debit cards and other secure online payment methods.

No, we ensure transparency in pricing. All charges are displayed upfront before booking. Drive beyond 8hrs or 80kms are billed additional by the provider

We are currently operating chaffuer driven cars only, hence any valid identification card is okay.

Insurance policies vary by provider. Some include basic coverage, while others offer additional insurance at an extra cost. Check the details during booking.

Contact the rental provider directly for immediate assistance. Our support team is also available to help resolve any concerns.

You can reach us through email ( or phone [TO Update]